Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tourism in Oran

Oran Dzaúriatqa city on the west coast of the country on the Mediterranean Sea, west of the capital and the country's second largest city after the capital Algiers. The city is the economic center of an important seaport. 
The sailors Andalusians create the city in 902 AD. Became the city of Oran, then the focus of a dispute between the Umayyads and the Fatimids. Ruined city several times during this period and has several alliances between the two tribes and the striking aspects Kozjas and Mgraoh and Sanhaja. 

Over a period of turmoil after entering the city in the influence of the Umayyad year 1016. Came Bgdha Almoravid year 1081 AD. I knew the city and the recent conflict in order to remain stationed where the last of whom fled to Yasin, who tried to flee from the marina great to Andalusia, but he perished. 

After the emergence of the state of Bani Abd el-Oued included Oran them. However, this state has had to face and the two Hafsid Merinid. Oran was always the most important city entered in this conflict. The city was the most important commercial port for the state Azayanih and an outlet on the Mediterranean. And this was on offer Marinids Azayanian Magistrate handed over in exchange for the city of Oran. Marinids besieged several times, the first of the year 1296. And most recently in 1368. 

Moved the hands of the city, during Hafsids, then Almarenan Azayanian. Since 1425. And after that the extension of the Hafsid Sultan Abu Faris domination of the state and the beginning of the conflict and division between family Azayanian, formed the city of Oran naves secondly after the city of Tlemcen, where he was employed by the family members opposed to the Sultan. All of these and other factors enabled the Spaniards to seize the city from year 1509. 

Spain was led by Cardinal Cisnaros has occupied the marina great year AD 1504. Then began after the attacks on the city ended its fall. I do Spaniards sword in the city's population also converged to convert mosques into churches. The city was represented for the Spaniards fulcrum to seize the rest of the country. However, the results were disappointing. And did not come occupation of the city, which lasted long in any results. The province and the people of the country have cut their resources forced them to request rations of Spain and the Spaniards were expecting easy access to them after the looting of the neighboring areas. 

Over three centuries Aiiah Turks besieged the city dozens of times, as long as some of the other weeks and months. The tribes were striking in the region to launch campaigns skirmish against the Spanish garrison. And aggressive in front of the people of the country, the Spaniards remained behind their fortresses no longer Émm expansion as it was preoccupied with the issue of availability of rations. 

A view of the city of Oran Castle Santa Crosasttaa Albay Bofalgm enter the city year 1705 after the siege, but the Spaniards were able to assemble a large naval fleet enabled them to grab the city again in 1732 AD. And this period was for the Spaniards left-handed than its predecessor. The second period ended on October 8, 1792 AD. After trapping Bey Muhammad bin Usman great. A major earthquake struck the city during the first day of the siege, most recently for Vadmourha. Bey was able to attacking and seizing the city easily, but he left the Spaniards buried their dead. Then began a long round of negotiations between the Bey and King Charles VI ended the latter to accept the waiver from the city and the large marina and the evacuation of the Spanish garrison of the country altogether. Between the years 1792-1830 AD traded on the city, which became a center for the West Baeljk several Bayat was most recently Bai Hassan. 

City logo Afrencbad during the colonial takeover of the French city of Algeria in 1830, sent Pimp campaign led by Marshal Bormon who was able to seize large marina. After Mfawadat with Bey Hassan penultimate delivery and waiver of the city. After a period of waiting and anticipation French entered the city in 1831. Bey then gone to Mecca with him and his family.

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